Shiny metal, rusty bits, functional objects, bent wire, pipes and string have had a lasting fascination – but they also sit still and do not wilt. Small objects can be set up in the studio right by the tools so that they are consulted as much as any working drawing whilst engraving. The Locks and PlumbBobs are £250 each. Parakeet Padlock £290
CHINA LOCK 203 x 203mm Edition of 100
INDIA LOCK 203 x 203mm Edition of 100
ARAB LOCK 203 x 203mm Edition of 100
PLUMBOB Approx 203 x 203mm Edition of 50
FLUNG PLUMBOB Approx 203 x 203mm Edition of 50
PLUMBOB ON LOWER SHELF Approx 203 x 203mm Edition of 50